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  1. Download and install the Java Runtime Environment 1.7.0. It can be downloaded here. (Make sure to bookmark this page because you may be asked to reboot after installation.)
  2. Click here to start the Heart Online Demo. For Customer Number,  enter 080802PA74529001
    PLEASE NOTE: Once the program has been loaded, please read the sections of the help manual for instructions on how to enter and retrieve information. You will find the information contained in the help manual very helpful.
  3. The program has two (2) built-in Workgroup Types (Administrator and User) for login purposes. There are ten (10) default User Workgroups (screen access and functions can be defined by an administrator) and two (2) default Administrator Workgroups (administrators set the customizable features in all Workgroups). Each login requires a User Name and a Password.You will be prompted for a User Name and password. The User Names and Passwords are as listed below. Passwords are case-sensitive.
User Name Password Workgroup Type
Emp01 Employee01 User
Emp02 Employee02 User
Emp03 Employee03 User
Emp04 Employee04 User
Emp05 Employee05 User
Emp06 Employee06 User
Emp07 Employee07 User
Emp08 Employee08 User
Emp09 Employee09 User
Emp10 Employee10 User
SiteAdmin SiteAdmin01 Administrator
SystemAdmin SystemAdmin01 Administrator



"Dallas LIFE has used the H.E.A.R.T. System for several years now. We have found this program to be a very valuable asset to our operation. It allows us the opportunity to keep very close records of our residents from the very first night right through graduation. The fact that we have current and pertinent information right at our fingertips about all of our clients is a tool that we could not operate without. The staff at H.E.A.R.T. has been extremely helpful and accommodating to all of our requests and has gone above and beyond the call of duty to help tailor this program to our specific needs. We would definitely recommend this program to anyone seeking to develop a system of checks and balances in their organization." 

Dallas Life

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